
If you’re reading this and you know me well, you might think my account has been hacked, but stick with me for a bit…

Something struck me this week that I thought was worth sharing. Yesterday I took this photo:


After I took it I couldn’t help thinking about it as a metaphor for this trip. That morning, I got up at 4:30am and ran to the park in the pouring rain to train - something that not many people would do (kind of like moving to another country - see where I’m going with this?).

After about 30 minutes of torrential downpour, the clouds eased, and the sky started to turn pink. While I was watching the sunrise between pullup sets, I turned around and noticed the double rainbow over the city. It lasted for about a minute and and then faded. I looked around to see if anyone else had been there to see it but the park was empty.

There are lots of experiences to be had in the world. Often, it’s only by putting yourself in an uncomfortable position that you get to be a part of them. I feel very privileged to be able to leave on this adventure and plan to make the most of the incredible moments that I’m sure we’ll be present for over the next year.

Moving day

So we’re moving out today.

I think I’ve been in denial that we were actually leaving and moving to Siena. I feel so comfortable in Sydney in general and in Paddington in particular that it’s pretty hard to leave it all behind.

I know that’s exactly why Mandi wants to leave - to force us to break out of our routine and I get that, but part of me would be very happy keeping the routine indefinitely.

I’ve been through a lot since settling in this neighbourhood after leaving San Francisco in 2003. I reaching the pinnacle of my first career, ended it, started a new one, ended that and got married and had three kids along the way. It’s been a busy fifteen years!

So now we start the next phase, and it feels like the least predictable stage of my life since leaving high school in 1993. I’m trying to see that as a good thing.